miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Francisco "Pollo" Sandoval (Essay)

Probably, just a few people may remember this character, a friend who had football as his principal engine of life, without forgetting that Boxing was also another great passion for him.

I met him through his show "Mi Pasión por el Fútbol" that was transmitted from Monday until Friday, from 11am to 12pm on the "Radio Deporte" 1590 AM, a space where he was accompanied by his son, to complete a fantastic key between the passional man who could be a happy or mad in front of a microphone, and the rational man who could thoroughly analyze everything.

Through the microphone he demonstrated to be a wise man, who said things without being afraid and always telling the truth, as the popular saying would say, he always was "in the middle street" because of his particular style and because of his way of speaking about football and boxing in some cases. I was attracted to the world of the radio, and more specifically the world of the sport journalism. So, wherever he may be, I thank Francisco Sandoval, who besides journalist, technical director of football and international judge of boxing, he was for me, my inspiration.

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