miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Weekends’ Job (Expository Text)

I work in football radio transmissions for www.sinruido.net for three years now. People may think the experience is not much, I believe that the quantity of matches has taught me that in order to present a good transmission it is necessary to follow a series of steps.

1- Be prepared for the match, to know teams, its reality and how they have worked during the week, this is understood as following the news from its performance in its last official match they played.
2- To go to the Stadium with a minimum of two hours in advance before the match begins, this is to talk with the protagonists of the team and this way find out a last-minute injury and if everything is fine. Besides, getting there on time it gives chance to install all the equipments and work material without having any difficulty or hurry.
3- In general, it is always to start with half an hour of anticipation before the match, to locate the listener in the game, giving a vision of how the teams arrive and an analysis of the alignments and the possible scheme on the field.
4- During the transmission it is always good to have a water bottle in hand, to try to avoid in possible fillers or comments that have nothing to do with the game, unless the conditions of the match warrant it.
5- It is always good to go down to the mixed zone when there are still five minutes to conclude the match, this is with the purpose of place well and that way, be able to bring to the audience the testimony of the protagonists.

These steps are generally the ones that I have learned in this short time during transmissions, I do not believe that they are part of a strict manual or anything like that, but I do believe that they are important in order to present a transmission the way it should be.

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